Musings about politics, movies, music, art and all the other important things in life.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Funniest. Show. Ever?

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The Parent Company Trap
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

I'm a huge fan of the Daily Show and already think our democracy may rest solely on the genius and talent that is Jon Stewart. Now comes this opening bit from Monday's show that is one part humor, one part analysis and one part sheer insanity.

If you ever encounter anyone who tries to argue any redeeming value in the idiocy that is Fox*, please point them to this. I especially like the logic in the idea that they must be evil or stupid at Fox. If you can honestly argue for a third alternative, I would welcome hearing it. Sincerely.

*I cannot in good conscience refer to Fox as "news" since I was an actual journalist for 10 years. What they do can only be classified as "entertainment programming." (Not that I find anything they do entertaining.)

1 comment:

A Paperback Writer said...

How about "Fox Emotional Reprograming"?
This was beautiful. It made so much more sense than most stuff one sees lately.....